Especially the belly fats, which women have more trouble with, the more commonly used name "belly fat", primarily passes through a regular and disciplined diet and exercise program. However, it is possible to speed up this process with some nutritional tricks. The 3 different cures below will help you in this regard;
1. Yogurt Cure:
- 4 tablespoons of nonfat or homemade yogurt
- Half a lemon
- 1 teaspoon of turmeric
- 1 teaspoon of red chili pepper
Effects of the Nutrients in its Content
As yogurt is a probiotic food, it is a friend of the digestive system. It is effective in the balanced functioning of cells as it helps to maintain a regular digestion. With the addition of lemon, its antioxidant feature increases and its combination with vitamin C accelerates fat burning. Consumption with turmeric, which is effective for liver fat, accelerates the reaction and facilitates digestion. Finally, chili peppers contain both vitamin C, that is, antioxidant and effective in fat burning, and provide fat burning with the capsaicin substance in its content.
All ingredients are added to a bowl and consumed.
The cure should be consumed at least 2-3 hours before going to bed, and afterwards there should be no food or drink other than green tea and water. It should be done regularly for at least 1 month.
2. Spinach Cure:
- 7-8 sprigs of spinach
- 1 cucumber
- Juice of half a lemon
- 5-6 sprigs of parsley
- Half a glass of drinking water
The feature of this cure is to benefit from the metabolism-accelerating and antioxidant properties of green leafy vegetables. At the same time, since they are sources of vitamin C, they accelerate fat burning more.
All ingredients are blended together and consumed without straining.
The cure should be consumed as a night snack 2-3 hours before going to bed, and no food or drink other than green tea and water should be taken afterwards. It should be done regularly for at least 1 week, during the application, fatty foods and pastry foods, carbonated drinks and packaged foods should be avoided. A handful of raw hazelnuts, raw almonds or walnuts are most suitable as a source of snacks.
3. Mineral Water Cure:
- 1 plain mineral water
- 4 tablespoons of nonfat or homemade yogurt
- Juice of half a lemon
Effects of the Nutrients in its Content
The effects of yogurt and lemon are mentioned above. Mineral water facilitates digestion; It relieves constipation, bloating and indigestion problems. It quenches the feeling of thirst and prolongs the fullness period. Thus, it reduces food intake.
All ingredients are added to a bowl and consumed.
The cure should be consumed as a night snack 2-3 hours before bedtime and half an hour before breakfast. When the mineral water is consumed more than 2 pieces per day due to its sodium content, it may cause payment. Therefore, consumption of mineral water should be avoided during the cure application.
Finally, since all cures contain lemon, people with advanced gastritis, reflux and ulcers should pay attention to consumption. During the application, at least 2 liters of water should be drunk a day. It should not be forgotten that what is most effective is a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Dyt. Kerime Bade Turan
Form Assist Dietitian